Historic Garden Week =

Whether you have one day or the whole week, please join us for the nation’s only statewide house and garden tour.

For one week next spring, visitors will tour inspired private landscapes, public gardens and historic sites across Virginia, enjoying our beautiful state at the peak of spring. In addition, more than 1,000 world-class floral arrangements created by Garden Club of Virginia members will enhance tour properties. This beloved statewide event will include unique tours organized and hosted by 48 member clubs located from the foothills of the Shenandoah Valley all the way to the beaches of Tidewater.


  • Historic Garden Week tour tickets will be available for purchase Friday, February 14 at 10:00 AM. Please select Tickets on the Menu.
  • 2025 Guidebook retail outlets

About Us

The beginning of Historic Garden Week dates to 1927, when a flower show organized by the Garden Club of Virginia raised an impressive $7,000 to save trees planted by Thomas Jefferson on the lawn at Monticello.

The Garden Club of Virginia operates as a non-profit organization comprised of 48 member clubs and 3,400 volunteers. Proceeds from Historic Garden Week fund the restoration and preservation of Virginia’s historic public gardens and provide graduate level research fellowships.

Historic Garden Week is held annually:

Dates for 2026 are April 18-25, and dates for 2027 are April 17-24.

Follow us on social media for tour photos and event updates:

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