Application for Historic Landscape Restorations

  1. An application for Historic Landscape Restoration shall be made to the Chairman of the Restoration Committee of the Garden Club of Virginia (GCV). The applicant shall include the property’s Annual Report and/or 990 for financial information. If, after careful consideration of the request and if the Restoration Committee approves the project, the Committee will recommend it to the Board of Directors of the GCV, and if approved by the Board, the project will be presented to the membership of the GCV. The GCV agrees to bear the expenses of restoring or landscaping the property according to the approved plan, including the fees and expenses of the landscape architect, subject to the owner’s fulfillment of the terms identified below.
  2. The garden, landscape, and/or grounds shall be of historic importance and must be open to the public on a regular basis, either seasonally, several days a week, or daily, including Historic Garden Week in Virginia. Private properties are not to be considered for restoration projects.
  3. An Agreement shall be drawn and signed between the property owner and the Garden Club of Virginia describing the restoration work that the GCV will undertake and the obligation of the applicant.
  4. The owner shall furnish the Garden Club of Virginia Restoration Committee with a topographical survey and additional pertinent historical data if needed. The owner shall be consulted as the plans are developed, and the final plan shall be agreed upon by both parties. The landscape plans, designs and detail shall remain the property of the GCV.
  5. After work on the project is completed, further maintenance shall be the obligation of the owner. The GCV Restoration Committee Maintenance Manual will be given to the owner. Strict adherence to high standards of maintenance is required.
  6. Upon completion of the project, any future changes in the landscape design must be approved by the owner and the GCV Restoration Committee. A member of the Restoration Committee will be the liaison to the property and will visit several times a year. The entire Committee will visit periodically. The owner may request a visit from the liaison.
  7. The property will be publicized annually in the Historic Garden Week guidebook, and possibly in other publications. It will also be listed on the GCV website and may appear on the Virginia Historical Society’s website.
  8. At the completion of the work, a plaque bearing the seal of the Garden Club of Virginia, the date of completion, and the name of the landscape architect may be installed at an appropriate location in the landscape by the Garden Club of Virginia The undersigned has reviewed the attached Restoration Committee Policies concerning Archaeology, Conceptual Plans, Lighting, Maintenance, Project Costs, Design Ownership, Signs Plaques Labels and Other Graphic Materials, and Watering.

The undersigned approves and accepts these Terms and Policies.

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