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You may choose to apply your gift to one of our five primary funds.


The Annual Fund supports the GCV’s work to produce effective programs that deliver on the promise of our mission:
To conserve the gifts of nature, to restore and preserve historic landscapes of the Commonwealth, to cultivate the knowledge and love of gardening, and to lead future generations to build on this heritage.


The Endowment Fund is composed of charitable gifts that are invested to provide long-range support of the GCV. A small amount is used to help fund annual operations. Endowment gifts are particularly meaningful in that they provide a dependable, perpetual source of funding.


The Common Wealth Award Fund provides for competitive grants that support community projects of GCV’s member garden clubs. The focus areas of projects supported include conservation, beautification, horticulture, preservation and education.


This fund supports several conservation efforts, including

  • Advocacy – As an early advocate of protecting the environment, the GCV has built a strong volunteer force of members to track the Virginia General Assembly and recommend proposed legislation for our members to support, including those that address climate change and coastal resiliency, clean energy, conservation and protection of natural resources, preservation of historic viewsheds, and more.
  • Educational programming – The GCV’s annual Conservation Forum confers with leading experts to provide deep dives into environmental and conservation issues affecting our land, water, wildlife and health.
  • Fellowships – The Conservation and Environmental Studies Fellowship supports 12-month research projects to Virginia undergraduate and graduate students who are exploring environmental challenges that directly impact the commonwealth.


The Restoration Fund supports the preservation and restoration of historic public landscapes and gardens across the commonwealth. The fund also supports two fellowships in landscape architecture that provide graduate students the opportunity to document historic landscapes. This fund has a dedicated source of support from proceeds of the GCV’s Historic Garden Week annual home and garden tour; direct charitable gifts are always welcome.


In addition to these five primary funds, other designated funds address specific programs and the restoration and preservation of the historic Kent-Valentine House, the GCV’s headquarters. Please contact Executive Director Andrea Butler ( if you’re interested in learning about specific programs that your gifts can support.


Gift Acceptance Policy
Donor’s Bill of Rights