State Arboretum of Virginia, Blandy Experimental Farm

Address: 400 Blandy Farm Lane
City: Boyce
State: VA
Zip: 22620
Phone: 540-837-1758

Colonel Joseph Tuley, Jr., the son of a successful tanner, built the Tuleyries, a Gilded Age house, in 1834 on a large tract of land near Millwood. It remained in the family until 1904 when it was bought by Mr. And Mrs. Graham F. Blandy. Upon his death, Mr. Blandy left 700 acres to the University of Virginia to be used “to teach young men farming”. This acreage became Blandy Experimental Farm where the University conducts environmental research and the public is encouraged to make use of the grounds. In 1986, the General Assembly designated 165 acres as the State Arboretum of Virginia. Dogwood Lane leads through the Arboretum property to the grounds of the Tuleyries which remain in private hands. The lane is lined with native dogwoods and dry stone walls. Over the years, many sections of the walls had tumbled. Using stone found on the property the Garden Club of Virginia returned the walls to their original configuration, the new blending seamlessly with the old. When the dogwoods are in bloom or displaying their autumn foliage, it is an especially lovely walk.

Year: 2004
Landscape Architect: William D. Rieley

Rebuilding of stone wall along the Dogwood Walk More Photos

State Arboretum of Virginia, Blandy Experimental Farm